Marvelous Lamp of your Spirit

Hanging kerosene lamp
Black coud chasing clouds
On the west.
It thunders and lightenings are seen.
The lamp gives light in the darkness.
The night is here, the night is here.
The lute says you goodnight.
May sweetness of dreams come to you.
Shut your tired eyes.
The light of the lamp disappeared.
Good night for you.

Karol Antoniewicz Bołoz(1807-1852)
Old lamp
Night surrounded my soul.
I fall asleep and dream
about shining of your heart.
Marvelous Lamp of your Spirit
fills with the light
consciousness of all the living
and brings brightness
of everlasting joy into every
courner of my heart.
When I am with you
no power
of morbidity
can harm my soul
or rule inside my mind.
Never I will be lost
in the meandering path of wandering life
because you are my true beloved guide.
All my sorrows become fragrant flowers
under the influence of your nurturing breath.
Your voice unites this world with eternity.
And in you there is true well of infinite joy.

Igor Marynowski: poetry and translation.

Colourised photos from Polish museums


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